Privacy and Cookie Statement Jimmy Joy

This Privacy & Cookie Statement describes how we use cookies and similar technologies when you use and visit our website ( or This statement also describes how we deal with your personal data when you use the website, place an order, register an account and/or join the forum.

When you agree with this Privacy & Cookie Statement, you give your consent to the processing of your e-mail address for marketing purposes (article 3) and to the use of cookies and similar technologies (article 4).

This Privacy & Cookie Statement applies from 4-4-2018 and replaces all information provided by Jimmy Joy regarding the use of your personal data.

1. Identity and contact details of Jimmy Joy

  1. Jimmy Joy is the party who, as a controller, is responsible for your personal data which are processed via the website
  2. Jimmy Joy is a tradename of itizi B.V., a company organized under Dutch law with its principal place of business in Amsterdam at the (1013 BE) Archangelkade 17D, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 65679083.
  3. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy & Cookie Statement, you can contact us by using the information available on our website:

    2. Purposes of the processing and legal basis for the processing

      1. We use your personal data for the following purposes (and based on the following legal basis):
          • In order to facilitate the placement of your order (legal basis: performance of a contract to you are or will be a party);
          • For us to comply with legal data retention obligations imposed by Dutch laws, e.g. tax legislation (legal basis: compliance with a legal obligation to which we are subject);
          • In order to measure your use of our website for marketing purposes by using cookies or similar technologies (legal basis: your consent);
          • In order to measure your use of our website for the purposes of enhancing the website’s functioning aimed at your benefit (legal basis: our legitimate interest to process these data).

        3. Personal data

        • Order information
        1. Your provision of the order information is necessary to conclude an agreement with Jimmy Joy, as clarified in the following articles.
        2. If you want to place an order, it is necessary that we receive your invoice and address information. We need this to perform the contract which we (will) have with you. These data are obligatory to provide. If you do not provide these data, then you cannot place an order with Jimmy Joy. These obligatory data are the following:
          • E-mail address: your e-mail address will be used to send a confirmation link, which is needed in order to confirm your identity and to keep in touch with each other;
          • Name and surname: to properly deliver your purchased order;
          • Place of residence, address, and country: to ensure that the order will be delivered at the correct location;
          • Telephone number: to allow the delivery service to contact you. This is mandatory information regarding deliveries in The Netherlands. With regard to international deliveries, this is optional information.
        3. You can indicate if the order needs to be delivered to a company, where applicable. In that case, you provide us with the company name.

        4. Account information (orders and forum participation)

        1. You can choose to place an order based on the account information which you have provided us as part of the account registration procedure on the website of Jimmy Joy. This account information will also allow you to join the forum.
        2. If you choose to register an account, then you need to provide us with a nickname in addition to the order information. You do not have to use your real name as your nickname. This can be a fictional name. The nickname will be used to address you on the forum and to allow other forum participants to have a conversation with you.
        3. Please use a strong password containing a minimum of six characters in order to protect your account. Learn more about creating strong passwords here:
        4. Your account information, such as your name and nickname, can also be used to properly address you via the website.

        5. Consent for retargeting (marketing purposes)

        E-mail address

        1. We can use your e-mail address for retargeting via websites other than those maintained by Jimmy Joy, such as Facebook. Retargeting makes it possible to show advertisements about e.g. products and services which have been seen by the website’s visitor. This makes it possible to infer that the visitor may be a potential buyer of a product he or she saw online and therefore the visitor will, for example, see a certain advertisement.
        2. You provide your consent for these processing activities by checking the box stating that you agree with this Privacy & Cookie Statement and consequently clicked on “agree” (or similar wording).

        Withdrawal of consent

        1. If the processing of personal data is based on your consent, such as consent for retargeting, then you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of your consent can be done easily by sending us an e-mail: If you send such e-mail message, then you should use the same e-mail address which you have used to place your order and/or you used to register your account.
        2. Younger than 16? Attention: if you are younger than 16 years, then any consent in relation to your personal data processing must be given by your parent(s), parental guardian or legal representative. The parent, guardian or representative can withdraw the consent at any time by sending us an e-mail.

        6. Use of cookies and similar technologies


          1. Our website uses cookies or similar technologies such as javascript, flash cookies, HTML5-local storage and web beacons, used to store and/or access your device which you use to visit our website, such as your computer.
          2. We use the following types of cookies or similar technologies. Cookies that ensure that the website properly functions (functional cookies), cookies that allow us to measure the usage of our website (analytic cookies), cookies that enable content sharing via social media such as Facebook (social media cookies), cookies that allow the provision of advertisements, e.g. tailored to your online surfing behaviour (advertisement cookies) and other cookies that, if you choose to accept them, allow the monitoring of your online surfing behaviour by social media, advertisement networks or other networks.
          3. Please consider the following. Advertisement cookies can be used for retargeting purposes. By accepting these cookies it is possible that your online surfing behavior will be monitored by other websites, such as advertising networks or Facebook.
          4. Also, consider that social media networks such as Facebook conduct profiling and tracking activities of website visitors. By accepting social media cookies you accept that your online surfing behavior can be monitored by these networks.

            Your consent for the use of cookies

            By accepting this Privacy & Cookie Statement, you give your consent for the use of cookies and/or similar technologies, as described in detail below:

            Name of cookie (or similar technology)

            Company name/ domain and corresponding privacy policy

            Purpose, value and retention period of the cookie (or similar technology)

            Analytic cookies

            Cookies starting with _hj




            More information:


            Hotjar Ltd. / / /

            Privacy- and cookie policy of Hotjar:



            Decline the use of cookies by Hotjar:


            Purpose: to measure the use of the website by the visitor

            Retention period: 1 year

            Sdk.js (script)

            Service.js (script)

            Services.js (script)

            More information:


            Sumo Group Inc. / / / /

            Privacy policy of Sumo:


            Purpose: to measure the click behavior of the website visitor




            Google Analytics, Google Inc. /

            Beveiligings- and privacy principles of Google:

            Privacy policy of Google:


            Decline Google Analytics using the browser-add-on:


            Purpose: to register statistics about the visits to the website.

            Retention period: max. 2 year

            Social media

            Fr (cookie)


            sdk.js (script)

            More information:


            Facebook Connect, Facebook Inc. / / / /

            Privacy policy of Facebook:


            Purpose: to allow the Facebook social media widget to function, e.g. for Facebook likes

            Retention period: max. 2 years; fr-cookie lasts 3 months.

            Advertisement cookies

            fbevents.js (script)

            More information:


            Facebook Pixel, Facebook Inc. / /

            Privacy policy of Facebook:


            Purpose: to measure the action performed by visitors of the website for retargeting purposes, e.g. to provide advertisements on Facebook.

            anj, sess, icu and uuid2



            More information:


            AppNexus Inc. / /

            Privacy policy of App Nexus:


            Decline the use of cookies by AppNexus:


            Purpose: targeting(anj), check if browser allows cookies (sess), frequency cap (icu), targeting and outcome measurements (uuid2)

            Retention period: anj (3 months), sess (1 day), icu (3 months) and uuid2 (3 months)

            1714726c817af50457d810aae9d27a2e.js (script)

            More information:


            AdCrowd BV / /

            Privacy policy of AdCrowd:


            Purpose: to measure the use of the website for the purpose of retargeting or retargeting via banners on the website and advertisements on Facebook. This allows us to show you advertisements that are tailor made to your interestst.

            IDE (cookie)


            Pixel (script)


            More information:



            Doubleclick by Google, Google Inc. / /

            Privacy policy of Google:


            Decline the use of cookies by Doubleclick:


            Purpose: to offer tailor made advertisements on third party websites (retargeting)

            Retention period: max. 2 year.

            Other cookies


            Widget.js (script)

            More information:


            Yotpo, Ltd. / / / / /

            Privacy policy of Yotpo:


            Purpose: to allow visitors to give their rating about the website

            Retention period: 3 months.

            Starts with _dc_gtm (cookies)


            gtm.js (script)

            Google Tag Manager, Google Inc. /

            Security and privacy policy of Google:

            Privacy policy of Google:


            Purpose: to analyze the website’s ordering process.

            Retention period: 10 min.

            The abovementioned overview shows – briefly worded – that the data we collect about you using cookies or similar technologies may be used for marketing purposes, such as personalized advertisements and content. You give your consent for these processing activities by clicking “I agree” (or similar wording) via the website.

              Functional cookies

              In addition, we use several cookies to register your visit on the domain These cookies are: __cfduid (max. 1 day) _ga (max. 2 years) _gid (1 dag)__smToken__smVID_hjIncludedInSample (session) _jimmyjoy_session (session) _sp_id.38ea (max. 2 years) _sp_ses.38ea (max. 1 day) guest_token (20 years). The use of these cookies have limited consequences for your privacy and therefore do not need your consent in order to be processed. This also applies to cookies which are used to show you certain fonts, coming from the domains and

              7. Forum

              1. In order to make the forum available to you, we use the open source software made and hosted by Civilized Discourse Construction Kit, Inc (‘Discourse’). Learn how Discourse deals with your personal data processed via the forum, here:
              2. Your IP-address will be registered after you posted a message on the forum. If you do not want this, please do not join the forum. You are not obliged to use the forum.
              3. Your nickname will be visible on the forum if you choose to participate on the forum. Please be advised that if you publish information about yourself on the forum, then this information will be publicly visible to everyone. You should also take into account that you have to respect the forum community guidelines
              4. If you want, you can use a photo (‘avatar’) to promote yourself on the forum. This can be a photo of yourself and thus personal data. In any case, you should ensure that you are legally entitled to use the photo.

              8. Recipients of personal data

              1. In addition to the parties and networks specified in relation to the use of cookies (article 4), parties that facilitate the services available via the website of Jimmy Joy also need to receive your personal data. These are parties that process orders, payments, deliveries as well as parties that host the website and helpful customer service, as set forth below.
              2. The orders – and the accompanying information provided by you – are processed by our partner SendCloud B.V., a company with its principal place of business at the Insulindelaan 115 in (5642 CV) Eindhoven, registered at the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 60316721. Read here how SendCloud deals with personal data:
              3. The payments – and the accompanying information provided by you – are processed by our payment providers. These parties process the data you provide in relation to the payment, such as bank- or credit card data. These providers are:


              1. Delivery services only receive the data which are needed to deliver your orders. This concerns your name, address and – if you have provided these – data that allow the delivery service to contact you if needed, e.g. in order to deliver the order correctly (e-mail address, telephone number).
              2. To ensure that our website can cope with the amount of data requests, we use the service of Cloudflare, Inc., a company with its principal place of business in San Francisco, United States of America. It is possible that Cloudflare processes your personal data, such as your IP address. Cloudflare is allowed to process the data because it respects the conditions of the EU-US privacy shield program. Learn how Cloudflare participates in this program: See also:
              3. Our customer service uses a tool to manage their administration. This tool is provided by Help Scout Inc., a company with its principal place of business in Boston, United States of America. It is possible that Help Scout processes your personal data, e.g. with regard to complaints and questions. Help Scout is allowed to process the data because it respects the conditions of the EU-US privacy shield program. Learn how Help Scout participates in this program:

                9. Data retention

                1. We store server logs that may contain your IP address. This happens because of information security purposes. This concerns all requests to our server. These requests, including IP addresses, will be stored up until a maximum of 90 days after the initial server request.
                2. Due to our obligations based on Dutch tax laws, we store the data in relation to your order for a period of 7 years. We are legally obliged to this.
                3. In other cases, where no legal retention period applies, you determine how long data are stored. For example with regard to the data, you provided to us in relation to your use of the forum.
                4. You can delete your account – including the accompanying data – at any time. You can file a request to Jimmy Joy accordingly. Please use the contact details available at

                  10. Newsletter

                  As a customer, you may receive offers by e-mail from Jimmy Joy related to our products and services. These newsletters can also be used for service messages, e.g. to inform you about changes in the privacy policy, terms and conditions, etc. You can always opt-out from this newsletter by using the opt-out option available in each e-mail message. The newsletters are made available by MailChimp:

                    • The Rocket Science Group LLC d/b/a MailChimp, a company with its principal place of business in Atlanta (Georgia), United States of America. MailChimp is allowed to process the data because it respects the conditions of the EU-US privacy shield program. Learn how MailChimp participates in this program: See also:

                    You can also subscribe to the newsletter yourself, by checking the box next to the text “subscribe to newsletter” (or similar wording) as part of the account registration process. In this case, you can also opt-out from the newsletter at any time.


                    11. Security

                    The data that you provide via the website of Jimmy Joy, is transferred in a secure manner. This is indicated by the ‘lock’ symbol in the address bar of your browser. The website has been secured properly, according to the following website: personnel is also trained to handle your data carefully. We, therefore, do not use your data in a manner that is incompatible with the purposes as mentioned in this Privacy & Cookie Statement.


                      12. Your rights

                      1. You can send a request to Jimmy Joy based on your right to access, rectify or erase your personal data. In addition, you have the right to request to restrict certain processing activities. You also have the right to object to certain processing activities as well as the right to data portability.
                      2. Jimmy shall provide the information about your request within one month after we received the request for the action that has been taken as a consequence of your request. Dependent on the complexity of your request and the number of requests, Jimmy Joy is allowed to extend the term to respond with two months. Jimmy Joy will notify you within one month after your request for such extension.
                      3. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authorities, such as the Dutch Data Protection Authority / Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

                        ( or the Dutch Authority for Consumers & Markets / Autoriteit Consument en Markt



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